Band of Gold – Alister Yiap (Designer Capsule 1)

Cohesive and creative is what Designer Capsule 1 brought to the runway tonight, with 4 very significant designers it was hard to choose just 1 that I loved the most however I feel the need to spotlight something that is always close to my heart (quite literally in the way of necklaces) Alister Yiap Perth jewellery designer.  I have showcased all of these designers through images because they speak for themselves I feel. At the same time though…a little 1 on 1 with Alister will give you insight into the king-like edgy feel of his collection “Band of Gold” which as you guys know – is so totally my style! The brand “Black & Gold” represents an inexpensive way to spend your money…however in Alister’s case, it brings decadence in the form of the royal queen bee…you won’t be disappointed! (Alister Yiap, Butcher & The Crow, Megan Salmon & Empire Rose)

1 on 1 with Alister Yiap

What does your collection represent? Band of Gold represents a mature me, I’ve been away from the runway scene for a couple of years, collaborating with other designers. Refining and tweaking to suit my stylistic signature.

What was your main influence for this collection? A modern day Joan of Arc.

What is your favourite material to work with and has it been used a lot in this collection? Coming from a jewellery maker, Metals is my specialty. I enjoy the properties of metal and using materials usually thought of as industrial and turning them into artworks

What keeps you inspired to keep going as a designer? It’s the buzz you get from creating something from virtually nothing. Getting hands on and being part of the making process.

Where do you want to be in 5 years? Hopefully dashing in and out of Perth, taking on creative work that involves, art, design and fashion. I’d like to be exhibiting internationally and work abroad.

Do you see your label being boosted with the help of PFF? PFF create an easy platform for designers to showcase their wears. It is one of the few events I return to each year in one way or another.

Can you see yourself moving from WA to get the label more noticed or do you think you will stay close and establish yourself here? I can’t see myself moving away from WA in the near future, unless work demanded it. Where possible I’ll still try and keep Perth my base and return after each season/job is complete. Here is home… for now…

Now on with the show…

Band of Gold – Alister Yiap (Bold, Decadent and so totally amazing and over the top!)

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Butcher & The Crow (Ombre’d, soft flowing silks & oversized beautiful lines)

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Megan Salmon (Prints, delicate, accessorised with buttons and tassles)

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Empire Rose (McQueen inspired, tartan loving and completely and utterly my style) Oh…and rather large wolfhound appearance…

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Come back tomorrow for more exclusive shows….it’s a BIG DAY tomorrow!!!! Don’t forget Restyle on Runway….

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